Failure to Register as Required by Sex Offender Laws in Florida can Yield Serious Jail Time without a Highly Qualified Attorney to Defend You
In Florida, failure to register your address with the local sheriff’s office if you have previously been convicted of a sex crime is a third-degree felony and usually requires a prison sentence. This is not a one-time registration; depending on the crime you were convicted of, you need to register every three to six months. In Florida, the criminal defense law firm of Dale Carson Law may be able to help minimize repercussions if you forgot to register when required.
Especially if the sex crime you were previously convicted on involved a juvenile, the court system will very likely send you to prison for failure to register. But an experienced attorney, like those at Dale Carson Law can help you minimize your prison term or possibly help you avoid it all together.
When Do I Need to Register?
Depending on the charges you were previously convicted of, you will need to register either twice a year or four times a year. Regardless of how many times a year you are required to register, you MUST register your current residence sometime during your birth month.
If you are required to register twice a year, you are also required to register six months after your birth month. So if you were born in January, you are required to register in January and July.
If you are required to register four times a year, you are also required to register every three months after your birth month. So if you were born in January, you are required to register in January, April, July and October.
If Charged with Failure to Register You can Receive a Free Consultation from Dale Carson Law
In Florida, the criminal defense law firm of Dale Carson Law can provide you with free consultation regarding accusations that you did not register your residence when required. Especially if your previous sex crimes conviction involved a juvenile, the court system will very likely send you back to jail. To avoid excessive jail time, it is important to have an experienced attorney who can defend your case reliably. You can speak with a highly experienced lawyer at Dale Carson Law absolutely free. To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dale Carson Law about your failure to register charge, go to our Complimentary Consults page.
Or call Dale Carson Law today at 904-355-6777.