FAQs About Juvenile Crime

September 21, 2022
September 21, 2022 Criminal Lawyer

Juvenile crime deals with cases involving minors under the age of 18 years old. The juvenile justice system was created and implemented in the United States in 1899. The argument for creating the system was that minors have a difference in ability to make decisions, understanding consequences, and comprehending the act of committing a crime.

Because of their age, there is thought to be a greater chance of influencing their criminal patterns. There is also a concern for juvenile safety if they were to be imprisoned in the same facilities as criminal adults. Studies have shown that younger criminals are at greater risk of prison violence and even suicide. The juvenile system exists to avoid these potential dangers.

Our team of experts put together a list of facts and questions about the juvenile justice system to help better educate you on how the juvenile system operates.

  1. Understanding Juvenile Delinquency.
    • Definition: any person under the age of eighteen (18) breaking the law.
  2. What type of crimes do juveniles typically commit?
    • Juveniles commit many of the same types of offenses as adults, but are most frequently arrested for property crimes, fighting, and minor drug offenses.
  3. What is the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act?
    • This act was implemented to help raise money for community-based prevention programs. The hope was to reduce the number of youth in the prison system. Other programs, such as Runaway Youth Program and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention were later developed because of this act.
  4. What are some common risk factors that later lead youth to violent crime?
    • Being exposed to porn or sexual-violence, drug use, lack of education, lack of family structure and role models at a young age may lead to violent crime.
  5. What age is an individual considered “juvenile”?
    • Anyone 17 or under, but this can vary by state. Depending on the offense, minors can be tried and charged as an adult. Many states, including Florida, have youthful offender statutes that can allow a Defendant who is young (but technically not a juvenile) to face lower penalties that they might otherwise.
  6. What’s the difference between being tried as a juvenile versus an adult?
    • Juvenile cases are much more focused on rehabilitation than on punishment. Many juvenile cases result in supervision as opposed to incarceration.
  7. Who pays a minor’s court fines?
    • Parents are held responsible for any fines charged to the youth as a form of punishment. Although, youth may be required to work to pay their debt.

Contact Our Expert Juvenile Lawyer

No matter what the offense is, it’s always recommended to contact an experienced lawyer to discuss options and possible charges. If you have further questions not answered above, or a case you’d like to discuss, contact our team at (904)-355-6777. Or, read more information about juvenile crime on our website.

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