- Why should I hire a Florida criminal defense attorney?
- What is the purpose of a grand jury in Florida?
- What is the difference between a felony, a misdemeanor, and a violation in Florida?
- Do I have to give consent to a law enforcement officer to search my car in Florida?
- When do the police have to read me my rights in Florida?
- What are the typical steps in a criminal proceeding in Florida?
- What should I do if I am arrested in Florida?
- What is the difference between someone on parole and someone on probation?
- What is a public defender?
- Can the police conduct a search without a warrant in Florida?
- If the police have a warrant to search my house, can they look anywhere?
- What are Miranda rights or Miranda warnings?
- How will my sentence be decided in Florida?
- What is a pre-sentence investigation report and what is it used for in Florida?
- What should I do if I get a call that a loved one has been arrested?
- Do I need an attorney for my criminal case in Florida?
- How much does it cost to hire an attorney in a criminal case in Florida?
- I am guilty, have no defense, and just want to get this over with. Should I even bother getting an attorney?
- My offense is minor. Do I really even need an attorney or can I just handle this on my own?
- Do I need to hire a lawyer if the police want to speak to me?
- If I already plead guilty to a crime I am accused of, can I withdraw the plea?
- When is a defendant allowed to withdraw a plea?
- What is a federal crime?
- Why did I have to post bond?
- Can a person be guilty of drunk driving in Florida if they only had one drink?
- The police want me to give them permission to search my house, car, computer, camera, etc. Should I give it to them?
- This is the first time I am in trouble in Florida. Will the prosecutor treat this charge like it is my first offense?
- Are criminal records ever automatically expunged in Florida?
- Can an expungement be denied in Florida?
- Can previously sealed records ever be unsealed in Florida?
- How do I get out of jail after an arrest in Florida?
- If my criminal record is expunged, do I ever have to admit that I have a criminal record?
- Can I move if I am on probation in Florida?
- Can probation be revoked in Florida?
- What is a Notice to Appear (NTA)?
- Can the police take my cell phone if they are investigating a crime?
- Do I need an attorney for a speeding ticket in Florida?
- What are points on a driving record?
- Will my insurance premiums increase if I get a speeding ticket?
- How many points will it take for my license to be suspended in Florida?
- Is it legal to talk on a cell phone while driving in Florida?
- Is it legal to use a radar detector in a private vehicle in Florida?
- Will I have to go to court for a speeding ticket in Florida?
- Are there other potential consequences to being convicted of a traffic violation in Florida?
- Should I try to beat the ticket if I know I am guilty?
- What is reckless driving?
- What is fleeing the scene of an accident?
- My license was suspended. How do I reinstate it?
- What if I have a Florida CDL (commercial driver license) and get a traffic ticket?
- I have a Florida CDL (commercial driver license) and got a ticket driving my privately owned vehicle. Will my CDL be affected?
- Why is getting a citation while possessing a CDL (commercial driver license) different than getting a citation while possessing a normal license?
- Can I lose my CDL (commercial driver license) for excessive speeding?
- What are my options if I am a CDL (commercial driver license) and I receive a traffic ticket?
- What is a habitual traffic offender?
- Do I need an attorney to represent me even if I am innocent?
- What is the difference between a federal and state crime?
- What constitutes an unreasonable search and seizure under the Fourth Amendment?
- Do I have to be informed that I am being indicted or will be indicted at a federal grand jury hearing?
- What is RICO and what does it have to do with racketeering?
- What is the distinction between drug possession and intent to distribute?
- What exactly is a federal grand jury investigation?
- How does the prosecutor decide which cases to pursue?
- Can a convicted felon ever possess a firearm?
- What is aggravated assault?
- What is aggravated battery?
- What is burglary?
- What is involuntary manslaughter?
- What is the difference between assault and battery?
- What is the difference between burglary and robbery?
- What is the difference between murder and manslaughter?
- How does the defense of self-defense work?
- What are my Miranda rights?
- What is the difference between a misdemeanor charge and a felony charge?
- Will the charges be more severe if I have a weapon during a robbery?
- Why should I hire an attorney when one will be provided to me?
- What is petit theft?
- What is blood alcohol content (BAC) or level?
- What happens if I refuse a breath test in Florida?
- How will a Florida DUI conviction affect me other than the criminal penalties and the license loss?
- What should I do if I am asked to take a field sobriety test in Florida?
- Can I get a limited license or work permit following a Florida drunk driving conviction?
- What symptoms and behavior is the officer looking for during the initial detention at the scene of a DUI?
- Can I be stopped and arrested for DUI in Florida even if the vehicle was not moving?
- What is an ignition interlock device?
- Can I have my drunk driving conviction expunged in Florida?
- I actually passed the breath test, but the police still arrested me. How is that possible?
- Will I lose my driver's license following conviction in my Florida drunk driving case?
- What are the penalties for a drunk driving conviction in Florida?

Dale Carson Law is dedicated to protecting the rights of individuals.
444 East Duval Street, Third Floor Jacksonville, Florida 32202
(904)355-6738 fax
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Available 24/7